Hi, I’m Marisa.

I’m an acupuncturist, hypnotherapist, writer, and mystical curator.

I also coach entrepreneurs to truly understand their gifts, and to define themselves in a way that resonates with their ideal clients. I’m a visionary and a storyteller. I work with you to rewrite your story, which is limitless. My passion is unveiling the potential within my clients, and for shining a light on it so that not only they can clearly see their value and intrinsic gifts, but the world can see it as well.

I am a catalyst for transformation in all of its forms: whether it is igniting huge breakthroughs in my clients’ lives through acupuncture and hypnosis; propelling small business owners into success through clarifying their gifts; or using my audience and influence to raise awareness of your talents, I’m endlessly driven to spark those around me into existing within their highest potential.

Welcome to my website. It’s a pleasure to have you.
